LW International Consulting
Easily the happiest destination for your group
LW International Consulting
Nansensgade 27
1366 Copenhagen K
It’s no surprise that Copenhagen always ranks as the happiest city in the surveys, and on top of that, there’s the ability to combine quaint with the cool and traditional with the trendy.
No one does Copenhagen better than LW International Consulting. Their mission is to show the charm of Copenhagen and all the fabulous group activities that you can enjoy here.
To ensure that every event organised meets the quality requirements of your clients, they have an extensive network of suppliers and venues.
In-depth destination knowledge of Copenhagen, Faroe Islands and Greenland, enables them to design unique, private or corporate experiences that go beyond the expectations of the discerning guests. LW International Consulting draws on their thorough and up to date local expertise to ensure that the guests enjoy the happiest capital in Europe.
They offer a complete solution with before, during and after services that are characterized by fast response and meticulous attention to every detail.